On the same note, my birthday is coming up on April 3rd. When my mom would tell me about bringing me home from the hospital {after my birth} she said it was snowing. That was in Washington, Pennsylvania. So, I never really believe in nice weather until after April 3rd. After that, I wanna see sunshine, sweater weather or t-shirt weather. Oh yeah.
I've been doing a little cleaning. I took a bunch of books to a place that sells books for charity. Two things are hard for me to get rid of: books and craft supplies. I don't know why. I guess because when I was younger, much younger, those two things gave me joy. I spent a lot of time at the library reading and doing homework. It was quiet and a place to go to learn about all kinds of stuff. The crafts were always fun to do; to be creative. How you can take something plain and turn it into something pretty or useful is so neat! But seeing how my closet is getting empty is a good feeling, a burden that is being released.
Next week will be Easter, so I'll have to get my menu ready. I'm probably going to make potato salad and have a ham.