Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Some Favorite Youtubers who Have Passed

When I began watching youtube it was a whole new concept for me.  I kinda got hooked on it; watching other people’s lives.  I’m one of those who love looking into other people’s homes while driving down the street, curious as to how others live and decorate their homes.   So youtube sorta helps in that respect.  It’s sad to say that some of my favorite youtubers have passed away.  Not only is it sad, it’s quite shocking.  Death is like that isn’t it?  Even if we are prepared it’s still shocking.  But here is a list of those who I shared time with even if they didn’t know it and now will never know it.

Clara was 93 when she passed away.  She gives us insight into what it was like living through the depression and recipes of foods her grandmother and mom used to make.

Andrea Mills was a mother of 9 children living in a small house in Wyoming.  She gave tips on organizing, sewing, homeschooling and everyday life.  Around April 2019 she starting feeling under the weather and she tried some home remedies, but after a few dr visits and then finally being admitted to the hospital it was discovered she had cancer.  Unbeknownst to her views, she was 13 weeks pregnant with her 10th child.  In August she passed away.  Tom is now left with 9 kids to raise while is grieving his wife and working and doing all the chores Andrea did.

Phyllis and her husband Mr. Bucky lived in South Carolina.  She made mostly cooking videos of foods from the fifties, but her and her husband also shared stories of the by-gone days.  They had a couple of poodles, too.  Last year, I can’t remember the month but Phyllis was diagnosed with cancer in the bile duct in her liver {I believe}.  A month after that in July 2019 Mr. Bucky was downstairs sleeping in his recliner and when Phyllis came downstairs to make breakfast she saw him still sleeping in the recliner.  After she made breakfast she called for him to come eat, but he didn’t answer and when she checked on him he had passed away.  Terribly sad.  Six months later in December Phyllis succumbed to her cancer.  I still can’t believe it.  When people have become a part of your day, they are sorta family...even though you don’t personally know them.

I watched this channel every now and again.  I found it through Dr. Lee’s channel “Out on the Ranch.”  Homemade Everything is Dr. Lee’s son Mark and his family.  A year or so ago Mark started having sinus issues and went to dr and long story short, he had sinus cancer.  He then had surgery to removed the tumor but it grew back fast.  It eventually went into his jaw bone and a huge tumor grew there.  But what a great attitude Mark had throughout his treatment which eventually lead him to stop treatment and live the best life he could with the time he had.  He leaves behind a wife and two little children.  

It’s so very sad not seeing these people anymore.  I so enjoyed watching them.  

Life is so short...it really is.  It goes by way too fast and trying to make the best of each situation is extremely hard sometimes, but laughter is the best medicine.  Find the funny in situations.  Laugh as much as you can and make as many memories as possible because that is all your loved will have left of you when you are gone.  

I hope you enjoy watching these channels.


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