Monday, October 31, 2011

Working on my Coupon Binder.....again!

Back in the day (my day) when I started collecting coupons I had a small box I kept them in.  Back then, coupons hardly ever was great because you could save them forever, well, almost.  But then, I got lots of coupons from my family (they saved them for me) and I had to graduate to a bigger box.  And that worked for a very long time for me.  I just pulled out which coupons I needed and off to the store I went.  We didn't buy anything unless I had a coupon and since I didn't take all my coupons with me I only bought what I coupons for.  I thought I did pretty good at it, but I don't know.  I'm not nearly as good as some of the 'queens' of today.  I try, I really do.  But.....

Then the years rolled by, the kids moved out and I stopped couponing.  Dh and I would just go out and was easier because it was just the two of us and I didn't have to spent hours in the kitchen preparing food.  But then a few years ago, when the ecomony fell, gas went up, well, I found my coupon box and decided it was time to get back doing this.  So I used my box for awhile and then I went online to see how couponers were saving their coupons and everyone was using a coupon binder.  Oh my goodness.  Whatever had to the index card boxes we used to keep things in?  LOL....okay, so I ordered me a biner online and started setting it up.  I thought it takes much more time filing my coupons then putting them in a box.  But, I got it all done and took it to the store a few times and I felt it was so bulky.  And truly, I was sorta embarrassed to carry this huge note book around with me. I don't know why.  Once I took it with me and my daughter shopping and my daughter was making fun of me and saying how embarrassed that looked.  Ok, I know she was teasing me, but still, it was weird. 

So, I went to Staples to see if I could find a smaller binder and I did find something that I really liked a lot.  I made it work; it as small and easy to carry around.  I could fit quite a few coupons in it, too.  But last night I was clipping coupons, paper coupons and then I had too many to fit in my small binder.  Frustrated, I looked at that huge, green binder and I said to it, "well binder, it looks like we are partners again" and here I am working to transfer all my coupons to the big binder again.  I think I drive myself crazy!

You can see my small binder at the top of my big binder.  Now, I have to find a new used for it.  LOL 

I've been using coupons for just about everything.  As soon as I get my receipts together I'll post my savings.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dh's Birthday, Coupons

Since it is now 12:08am---yesterday was dh's birthday.  Another year older for him!  Tonight the kids are coming to the house for cake and ice cream or whatever I decide to make.  Always so much to do and little time....heheh.

I'll post pictures later.

I found this on another website; I thought it was funny:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ds Surgery..Glad That's Over With

Most people have problems with hospitals just because it's a depressing place to be.  I have problems with hospitals because I've spent hours upon hours sitting next to a sick loved one.  Sometimes with grandparents, parents and my daughter.  So sitting there watching my son on a gurney, dressed in a hospital gown with an iv in his arm gave me anxiety.  Thoughts of watching my daughter in hospital beds with ivs in her arm were coming back in my head and heart and I just didn't want to be there.  But because I wouldn't let my children go through something like that without their parents being there, well, that's why I was there.  I LOVE my children.  They are the treasures of my life.  They make my heart sing.

Ds's surrgery was scheduled for 11:30am.  We arrived at 8:30am like we were told.  Can you believe the doctor didn't show up until around 1:30pm?  Unreal.  But this is why I'm glad that day is over with.  Stressful!  Here's ds in his hospital garb:

These gowns are something new, something I haven't seen before.  They actually have a heater that connects to the gown and shoots warm air into it.  Hahaha.  What will they think of next?  

When ds's surgery was finished the doctor came out of the operating room and told me (and dh) that ds had actually cut his tendon long ways instead of straight across.  Doctor said he repaired it and now we just wait to see how ds is doing in two weeks.  Of course, trying to him to rest and take it easy is almost impossible.  He actually went to a hockey practice (to watch not to play) last night.  Tonight he went to the hockey game with his sister to watch the Capitals play.  I'm a happy momma that ds got through the surgery and that he is up and running as before.  There's something to be said about 'normal'.

Friday, October 14, 2011


It's official.  Ds has to have surgery.  He has never, ever had surgery before.  He hates needles..I don't know how he's gonna get through this.  I mean, he will, but I know he is scared.  When he was a little boy and we had to get blood out of his arm it took three grown women to hold him down...I'm telling ya...he had the strength of a bulldog then.  Now that he's a man, he is very strong even though he is a skinny boy.  Don't let that fool ya, though. 

I'm so scared for him because he needs his index finger to shoot his gun.  His career depends on his hands.  Why do things like this have to happen? 

He is scheduled for surgery Monday at 11:30.  I guess I know what I'll be doing then. 

This is the thing...when ds gets sick he springs back within a couple of days.  It's amazing, really.  He's never sick very long...not like normal people (hahah) who hang onto a cold for a week or so.  Ds is only sick a couple of days and then he's well.  I always wondered what his immune system is made of because he is able to bounce back so quickly. 

I also worry about how long he's gonna be off work, and then there might be physical therapy.  This is just awful.

Select the image to register for the Fundraising Banquet   Featuring Dr. Bruce Wilkinson
Author of Prayer of Jabez

Okay, on another note, dd, dh and I are going to the pregnancy banquet tonight.  Last week we went to our local banquet where author Bruce Wilkinson spoke.    Tonight we are going to another one with a different speaker. 

Okay, that's my update for now. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Warning..Bloody Picture

This is a picture of my son's hand.  He called me today to tell me he had just gotten back from the emergency clinic.  No mother wants to hear that no matter how old your kids are.  He proceeded to tell me that he was walking into his bathroom, tripped over the rug in there and his hand went through the bathroom window.  He showed me a picture of his wound before it was stiched and it's a very deep cut.  The doctor told ds that he needs to go see and ortho and make sure the tendon in his hand is not cut.  Ds ended up getting eight stitches.  The scary thing about all this is that ds is a police officer and this is his shooting hand.  All kinds of scary thoughts invaded my head today....thinking about what if he did cut the tendon in his hand and had to have surgery?  What if he couldn't use his hand?  That would be the end of his job.  That's scary.  Okay, but then I had to tell myself to stop thinking that way...everything will be alright.  Ds was more worried about breaking his roommates window then he was about his wound...however, he drove himself to the ER.  Oh my poor, poor son.  On the funny side of this, his roommate had gotten season tickets to the National Capitals game and ds refuse to stay home last night.  He was going no matter what.  He was at Target buying bandage supplies today and he got different color bandages to match his jerseys.  Hahaha.

Sunday we had such a fun family day.  Dd got us all together to see the new movie Courageous.  Okay, it was very funny and sad, too, but I do not think it was all that great.  It's got great reviews, but I think Fireproof was much better done.  After the movie we all went to Fridays to get a bite to eat.  Then today my son cuts his hand open.  You never know what a day brings.

Saturday my next door neighbors got married.  They've been living together for about three years so it's nice to see them finally become husband and wife.  She has waited for her wedding for sure.  I suppose every girl does.  For their honeymoon they have gone to Arizona. 

Tomorrow I have to run errands and I really need to clean the house.  Dh and I are gonna be busy making outdoor cat houses and working on the basement.  :)

Until next time...