Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Two

Day two is a picture of the person you have been closest with the longest.  Aside from the fact I have siblings and were very close to them at a point in my life, dh is the one I've been closest to for the last thirty-two years.  (Thirty-three if you count dating.)  Ironically, I went to school with his sister and then years later ended up working with her.  One day the two of us were out riding around and she drive into a VW Bug. She called her mom to come get us and that's when her brother (my dh) showed up.  Weird, huh?  We bought a house that had lots of land around it because we planned on having a lot of kids.  However, when our firstborn daughter was three and half years old she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, which is genetic disease that is fatal.  Dh and I found out we were both carriers.  Our son was two at the time and we were advised never to have anymore children.  That's the first time our dreams were broken.  We did decide to have have one more child..our last.  She is a carrier of cf, but she doesn't have it.  Our son is not a carrier...he is okay. 

When our daughter was 12 years old, cystic fibrosis took her life.  More broken-ness.  You never get over the lost, ever.  It's with you every single day. 

Stay tuned for day three.

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